Naira Direct

Open Crypto wallets

store crypto, Buy, sell, - all in one place,Trade crypto like a pro

Deposit, USDT, ETH and many more crypto. much more in a simple, fast and secure way. Create your wallet in 30 seconds!

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Create your account, it’s free! Create or access to an account. Creating an account is completely free and you will have access to all the crypto tools and functionalities.


Access Wallet, a multi-currency and crypro wallet with support for cryptocurrencies and traditional currencies.


Be Free Buy, sell, send, receive and store cryptocurrencies easily and quickly.

Our cryptocurrencies

# Name Buy Price Selling Price Trade
01 Etheruem 4,086,510.00 NGN 4,631,378.00 NGN Buy Now Sell Now
02 USDT TETHER 1,597.92 NGN 1,797.66 NGN Buy Now Sell Now
03 Bitcoin 161,592,321.00 NGN 181,179,269.00 NGN Buy Now Sell Now

The luxury of using a free, secure Crypto wallet

NairaDirect provides you with a simple and safe way to buy, sell, send, and store your Bitcoin.
The NairaDirect Crypto wallet is functional, safe, and easy to use on all your devices. You can easily manage your asset and send or receive Bitcoin, in just a few clicks.

Password change request

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